2018 – Israel Tour

We began our last day at Friends of Zion Museum

The FOZ Museum tells the story of non-Jewish support for the State of Israel and the Jewish people. This hour-long tour invited us to meet non-Jewish Zionists through colorful exhibits and state of the art interactive displays that combined music, visuals and sound.  We learned how people believed the promises in the Bible and used their influence and money to make a difference. These were people from the world of business and academia, and even  military officials who made a true difference.  In other words, they all said, “Here am I Lord, use me.”

Waiting outside before our turn to enter.

The Hall of the Visionaries ( Video clip below only 26 seconds long but gives you the idea of how the presentation worked)

16 sec. video below: An example of the display is Queen Victoria who supported the dream of Israel becoming a nation.

This was a very stirring event on our tour.

Mount Herzl, home to Israel’s National and Military Cemeteries was named after Binyamin Ze’ev (Theodor) Herzl, visionary of the Jewish State. 

Theodor Herzl

May 2, 1860 – July 3, 1904

Mt. Herzl is a site of major national importance for Israel and the Jewish people. Israel’s presidents, prime ministers, speakers of the Knesset and other dignitaries decided upon by the government are interred here. As you will see from the following videos and commentary, honor is given to all those who have died serving Zionism and Israel even to this day. Note:  Recognition is given every day of the year for those who died on that particular date. They will not be forgotten.



Video below: Wonderful singing in Hebrew

This structure is comprised of plaques for each one who has died for Israel. Our lead guide in Israel is Ezra.  He lost his  son in 2002.

Below:  He is touching the one of his son.

This a close-up of what he is touching. His son was killed Feb. 19, 2002.

Aglow has a strong connection with Ezra and we mourned his loss when it happened.  He feels our love and support.


Video:  This is beautiful. Listen to singing  (below)

Video:  From a different view …


Our president, Jane Hansen Hoyt placed a wreath on behalf of Aglow

We had a wonderful lunch at Kibbutz Ramat Rachel which is situated on a hilltop overlooking the magnificent panorama of Jerusalem’s Old City, the Dead Sea, and the Judean Hills. This kibbutz was established in 1926 and you can view Bethlehem from there.



The grande finale of the trip was a visit to the Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb, referred to as Gordan’s Calvary, named for a British General George Gordan  who supported the claim that the rock-hewn tomb found in 1867, is the tomb where Jesus was believed to have been buried. It is within a garden outside the city walls. Nearby is located the skull-faced cliff described as the place of crucifixion. It is known as “The Place of the Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha.” The Garden tomb and cliff is referred to as the Protestant crucifixion site and burial as opposed to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher claimed by Roman Catholics and others. John’s Gospel (19:17) The location and surroundings parallel those which are mentioned in the Bible.



Video of inside the tomb

We had a beautiful time as we worshiped and took communion.



Prayer Points:

By the time you get this,  most of our travelers have arrived home.

  • We pray for an ease of transition as they’ve left their journey to Israel and re-entered everyday life.
  • We pray for grace in every situation.
  • We pray for them to get over the jet lag quickly.
  • We pray that as they return to their work, families, churches, and the situations they left behind, nothing will steal the joy of what they experienced in Israel.

Thank you for viewing the blog and may the Lord bless you abundantly for your prayers!




  1. So very grateful for your providing these.  More than bringing back memories…but reinforces what we have experienced & enables us to ‘keep’ them fresh in our hearts.  God bless you one & all.            Mary Lowe Mo. SPC |

    att.net Mail Stationery |


  2. Good morning to you!
    Thank you so much for sending all these emails of places you visited on the Aglow Israel Tour!  I can only imagine how much effort and time it took to put this together!
    It was so wonderful to see the places I got to see when I went to Israel with Aglow several years ago!  It was one of the highlights of my life!
    Have a safe return trip and thank you again for the gift of the emails!

  3. Thank you for including us on your trip to Israel this year. I was blessed to be able to travel to Israel 4 times with Aglow. I have forwarded the e-mails to my friends who traveled to Israel with me. It is exciting to see the new places you visited,

  4. So extremely well done, dear ones — this was heart-filling and Spirit-led as you allowed us to follow this year’s journey in the Holy Land of our Yahweh, Jehovah-God!  Thank you and may you truly reap the fruit of having “gone up to Jerusalem”!

  5. Thank you Aglow for all the wonderful daily pictures.
    You made Israel and the Bible come alive. I have never been to Israel but my heart, love and prayers were with you on your journey to where our Precious Lord and Savior walked.

    May God continue to bless Aglow.

    • sherryanderson107 (Author)

      We’re so glad you enjoyed the posts from Israel and that it made Israel and the Bible come alive. We feel the same way! We are adding more photos to the website as people are sharing their photos. Blessings, Sherry & Sandy

    • sherryanderson107 (Author)

      We are so happy the posts made Israel and the Bible come alive. We feel the same way! Thank you for the prayers. Blessings, Sherry & Sandy

  6. Grateful to be able to join the trip to Israel c/o Lee and Mom Judith Britten. My eyes, mind and heart have literally experienced the Bible, and have re-affirmed my faith. The fellowship among believers from different nations was amazing. While we spoke different languages, we spoke/sang/prayed in the same, unified Spirit for the glory of God. So humbling and awe-inspiring at the same time.

    Israel felt like home, with all the elements experienced during the trip — sun, air/wind, earth, water, and the fire of faith. I literally cried when the plane landed in Tel Aviv – it was like being welcomed back home, though it was my first time to be there ever. The experience with its PEOPLE was the most precious. But even more precious was the burden I felt and now carry for the land that God has given to His covenant-people. As God’s words remain forever, so shall His words for Israel — both people and land — be. And were are witnessing these same words coming to pass in our lifetime.

    I hope to be a faithful steward of what God has given and placed in my heart. Please pray for more Filipinos like me to heed God’s call. Please pray for wisdom on how to do this here in the Philippines. God bless!

    • sherryanderson107 (Author)

      Thank you for expressing all that this trip meant to you. We agree with you for more Filipinos to heed God’s call! We pray God will give you wisdom in how to share his heart for Israel. Sherry & Sandy

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