Day 8 – Israel Tour

We went up to Mt. Scopus to commission those who went through the five intensive workshops that comprise the Watchmen on the Wall Seminar.

This short video clip describes the significance of this location.

Video below – is about Mt. Scopus

43 people were commissioned.

These Watchmen are from the U. K. (below)

Those being commissioned recited this oath:

We then went inside the Old City to pray on the ramparts.

View from the ramparts


Among other things, we prayed over the United Nations with scriptures. (below)

Below are the stairs we took to come down.

Then we visited the Western Wall, which is the most religious site in the world for the Jewish people. Located in the Old City of Jerusalem, it is the western support wall of the Temple Mount. Thousands of people journey to the wall every year to visit and recite prayers. These prayers are either spoken or written down and placed  in the cracks of the wall. The wall is divided into two sections, one area for males and the other for females. Security is high at this location.  This is where we entered the plaza.

VIDEO (below) – Standing at the Western Wall

Below – men’s side

Women’s side


The Cardo was Jerusalem’s main street 1,500 years ago.



We had free time to shop at the Cardo in the Jewish Quarter.

Shopping in the Cardo


(Video below) We experienced a lot in Jerusalem!  This man passionately played his clarinet.



The remnants of a wall from the time of the prophet Nehemiah were uncovered in an archaeological excavation in Jerusalem’s ancient City of David, strengthening recent claims that King David’s palace has been found at the site. The section of the 2,500-year-old Nehemiah wall, located just outside the Dung Gate and the Old City walls facing the Mount of Olives, was dated by pottery found during a recent dig at the site.

We encountered lots of IDF (Israeli Defense) soldiers in the Old City. They were very friendly.


We found great places to grab lunch. (Below) Pizza!



We visited YAD VASHEM –Holocaust Museum  is Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. It is dedicated to preserving the memory of the dead; honoring Jews who fought against their Nazi oppressors and Gentiles who selflessly aided Jews in need. This had a profound effect on us.  They were not just 6 million faceless, nameless people.  They had families, jobs, a social life, and many had wealth.

 This is one of the original railroad cars used…

Hall of Names

The Hall of Names is a memorial to the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Since the 1950s, Yad Vashem has collected approximately 110,000 audio, video, and written testimonies by Holocaust survivors. As the survivors age, the program has expanded to visiting survivors in their homes, to tape interviews. This section displays 600 photographs of holocaust victims and fragments of testimonies. The circular repository houses the approximately 2.2 million Pages of Testimony collected to date, with empty spaces for those yet to be submitted.

Holocaust art

PRAYER POINTS: We are headed home soon.

  • We pray for travel mercy, protection, on-time connections, upgrades, abundance of favor, no lost luggage!! Rest and refreshing flight, and divine appointments!



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